Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009




Mom, forgive me

I don’t go to school

No mean I don’t want

But because of not wanting to lose the time

To keep a live

To keep our dream

Here, at the edges of this town

Mom, don’t cry

As to see the uniform boys

Running while weving books

Your son is here

Preparing the proud

From the sweat and tear

Let us write a life and fate of us

Mom, take a rest

Pray for your son to be safe today

In 1997. I attended Poetry Reading at ASEAN Building-Jakarta. Maybe that time, Iwas already 28 years. Me and Acep Zamzam Noor, a quite distinguished poet either in Indonesia or in the World. Accidentally, at that time, beside the poets who came from ASEAN Coutries, there were also Taufik Ismail, Emha Ainun Najib, Agus R. Sarjono, and the others.

Before the Poetry Reading program was begun, my friends and I entered VIV Room. With its rug was 5 cm thin. When I tasted the special menu of ASEAN, the first time I found and felt was I felt shocked. Suddenly, all of journalist and the journalis from television broadcasting also entered the VIV Room. When I saw them, it found that these was Minister Fuad Hasan. Because of feeling nervous very much, I continued tasting food when my friends shook hands each other and chatting with the Minister. The metter was because my both hands were holding food and drink…that was my stupid thing which were always discussed at the time I met my poet friends.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009


Kidung Purnama



Penguasa, huru-hara, prahara

Dan begitu kejam

Tajam matanya, menikam

Dari ujung-ujung lidahnya

Jiwa-jiwa mengerang

Lalu mencekam

Darah segar pecah di negeri merdeka

Sudah begitu jelas matahari

Menyaksikan perselisihan bumi ini

Keharuan kini kembali menyerbu

Sekaligus memuntahkan kebusukannya

Dari kemelut yang terus mencengkram

Badai angin jiwa mulai memberontak

Dan tiba-tiba saja datang menerjang

Jeritan malaikat-malaikat kecil menyeruak

Kemudian berloncatan menuju kabut

Sejarah gelap kekuasan kembali terulang

Dalam detik-detik waktu yang berdetak

Derita datang meledakkan kata-kata

Engkau yang bergerak begitu rikuh

Inginnya berlari ke ujung-ujung hari

Di antara petikan-petikan doa malam

Sambil sujud melepaskan sisa nafas

Memecahkan cermin keangkuhan jiwa

Merebut cita dan cinta yang teraniaya

Perjuangan adalah kristalisasi keringat

Menusuk darah dan juga memeras airmata

Yang tak pernah kering dibakar tungku usia
